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everything is fine, harden the fuck up (2020)

You look so tired
Does it hurt?
You’re so strong
Just another hour or so
Just take a deep breath
Relax, you’re fine
I thought you made that up
You have to push through this
Stop being so lazy
It gets better
Do you want some tea?
You’re so strong
I don’t want to talk about this
It can’t be that bad
This will help
Why would you do that?
You always do this
I love you
I’m so sorry
Fuck you
What are you? A pig?

Part I- videos

Part II- Tea Set

Part III-Photographs

Photos taken with a vodka bottle, tea pot or regular pinhole camera.

Part IV- Prints

Photographic paper completely exposed, developed by putting developer on my hands and punched, slapping, crushing the page. Only the places I punched would develop, and if I hit specific areas more, they would develop darker. 

There is memory here, something, murky. But I can’t quite see it. Sometimes I can feel it. A low ache in my belly, a throbbing chest, burning flesh. But there is no solid image. Just a feeling that shows up without context

The TV is always on, always something else to look at. There’s always alcohol in the cupboard, something else to feel. Everyone smokes, something else to do. We laugh at our pain until it stops being real. It’s nice, it’s comforting, until it’s all you do. Modes of comfort stop being comforting when they’re used to brush off and ignore real issues. I have used cups of tea, sewing materials and cloth to represent these modes of comfort. The sewing materials reference my mother’s side, most of us know how to sew, with both my mother and grandmother being seamstresses. While sewing can be used to mend, with soft fabrics and thread to pull things together, it can be used to cover up. Sewing over something so you don’t have to look at it, pricking your finger on a needle, pulling the thread too tight, suffocating under the fabric. And so, the use of sewing tools represents something that can mend, hurting. A cup of tea made for you when you’re not feeling good can be nice, it’s warm, it feels good. But when that’s all you get, when the tea is meant to solve everything, it doesn’t taste so good. It starts to feel like drinking it is meant to shut you up. With these symbols of comfort, I am trying to make them appear unappealing, painful or overwhelming. When you ignore issues or belittle them for too long, they overflow, they hurt, they rot. Ultimately all this pushing down leaves you with a murky, lost feeling. Bad memories are confusing because no one wants to confirm that there was something wrong.

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